Turf Seed
We work with multiple suppliers to select and formulate turf blends and mixtures for a variety of needs. Our recipes are designed to perform well in the Midwest and offer durability, performance and striking appearance!
When selecting turf seed, there are several factors to consider:
Sunlight - will your area receive full sun, partial sunlight, or very limited sunlight?
Believe it or not, areas of dense shade are impacted more by the competition for moisture than the limited light!​
Soil Type - sandy and clay soils have different needs than a silt loam. We carry options for most needs!​
Slope - areas that are heavily sloped will typically need to have a sod-forming component such as bluegrass or ryegrass to help reduce erosion and hold the soil in place.
Mowing - if you have areas that will only be mowed a few times per year, a forage option may be a better fit than turf.
Traffic - if a lot of traffic resulting from kids, pets, tires, etc will occur, it is best to choose a durable mix.
Our products are available in 5 pound or 50 pound bags!
Tips for Establishment:
Planting Dates - April-May 15th or August 20-September 15
It is important to have at least 30 growing days between germination and frost.
Seed Bed Preparation - A common cause of grass establishment failure is due to seed bed preparation and seeding depth. It is crucial to have a good seed bed before planting.
Firm Ground - soil should be firm, even, and level. Avoid making the soil powdery, as it will develop a crust. Once tilled, rake or roll the soil so that it is even and does not have clods. We recommend using a roller before you seed, seeding, and then rolling again!
When using a broadcast or drop seeder, seed 1/2 of the recommended rate in one direction, then seed the other 1/2 at a 90 degree angle. This helps achieve an even stand. It is beneficial to roll the soil after seed is applied. The ideal depth is 1/8". Do not seed deeper than 1/4".
If you are planting on a slope, you may want to consider using a cover or mat, such as straw to prevent erosion. It is important to not get this layer too thick, as it can block sunlight.
Water - New seedings should be watered at least once, or more per day, depending on the weather. For best results, water in late afternoon and evening. Soil should be kept moist, but not wet. Once grass reaches 3-5" in height, waterings can be reduced to every other day.
Mowing - The first mowing should occur when seedlings are 3-5" tall. The mower should not remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade. The grass stand will thicken up after the first few mowings. It is important to limit traffic on new turf stands, as they do not yet have a well developed root system, and are very susceptible to stress. After 4 mowings, most stands will be hardy enough to handle regular traffic and use. Mow high- we recommend setting your deck at 4-5".